Manage Your Energetic Field – Feeling Good on the Ascension Path

Absolutely the most important thing to learn how to do on the Ascension Path (and I’d even go so far as to say the most important thing to learn for your health) is how to manage your own energy field.  As we all know we are energetic beings, but unless you were very lucky or very open/connected to your guides from the beginning you probably, like me, always assumed the body “just took care of it” like breathing, or your heart continuing to beat.  And while that is true on some level, there is actually a lot you can do to manage your own energy field and the more you open up your own abilities to read and work with energy the more crucial this becomes to maintaining your own wellbeing.  Trust me, if you haven’t already experienced what it feels like to your body and emotions from a psychic attack you will!  This is all something we have to learn on the path to ascension.

While I could write a book on this, I’d like to give you some basics and then encourage you to work with your own guides and intuition as ultimately the knowledge that resides within you is more important than any other.

Your Energetic System

We have five main energy bodies:

  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Mental
  • Spiritual
  • Astral 

Added to this we exist as material beings in 12 dimensions, and something that is impacting you energetically in any of these five energy bodies or twelve material dimensions can have a significant impact on your wellbeing.  Breaking it down further, within each of the 12 material dimensions we have a Chakra system (the main energy centers for the body) as well as we have multi-dimensional light portals in our fields through which energy/light/information travels.

Your 12 primary Chakras (which can be blocked, misaligned etc. in any or all of the 12 material dimensions) are:

  • Soul Star Chakra (15 cm above your head)
  • Crown Chakra
  • Brow/Third Eye Chakra
  • Throat Chakra
  • Thymus/High Heart Chakra
  • Heart Chakra
  • Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Hara/Belly Button Chakra
  • Sacral/Sexual Chakra
  • Base/Root Chakra
  • Link Chakra (between your knees)
  • Earth Star Chakra (15 cm below your feet)

Of course you have many other chakras as well, but the above are your primary chakras and for the sake of simplicity I invite you to start by working with these “through all dimensions of your field”. 

Your Energetic Pillar

There are six activities to consider/perform as part of energetic field management:

  • Connect to Source/Your Guides/Oneness within
  • Ground your energy 
  • Center your energy
  • Align your field
  • Clear your field
  • Protect your field

The number one tool – I really can’t stress this enough – is your energetic pillar.  Doing your pillar (and I STRONGLY recommend doing it morning, mid-day and night every day) is the quickest way to manage your field at a basic level.  This is the process I guide you through to breathe your energy to the heart of Mother Gaia, and up to Source through your Chakra system and then anchoring temples (energetic frequencies) through your field, ending with calling in your guides and support teams.  I always “anchor and activate a temple of Mother Gaia Grounding, Divine Union and Divine Presence Communion temple through all dimensions of my field” and will also add a “temple of clearing” or “temples of advanced protection” and so on depending on what I feel I need in that moment.

Having said that, the more you raise your frequency and in doing so your sensitivity (aka open your clairsenses) the more you will need to do additional intentional work on top of this to manage your field.  And you will learn to do this one way or the other, as it is part of your initiation and tests along your journey.  But not to worry, your guides will help you with all of it – you just need to exercise your free will and ask!

Connect to Source

I am such a fan of using my pillar to connect to source, that whenever I wish to ask a question of my guides I always start with my pillar.  But as with all of this there are many ways, and many beings you can call on and invite into your field.  I personally prefer to use my pillar exclusively to ensure I am connecting within a safe space and not receiving guidance from lower frequency beings and may supplement that with holding a crystal such as clear quartz.  My guides wish me to share that you can also focus on opening your Crown Chakra and inviting a specific being or beings to connect with you.

Ground Your Energy

Just like a plug needs a grounding wire to take any excess electrical charge into the earth, your field needs an outlet to release any excess energy in your field.  And energy loves to go into the earth, you just need to give it a path to do so!  My favorite grounding techniques:

  • My pillar – sending my excess energy out through my lower chakras
  • Being in nature – I love to put my bare feet on the ground or sit up directly on the ground
  • Tea Tree oil – in a bath, a diffuser (careful though as dogs are sensitive to tea tree oil), or on my skin
  • Eating root vegetables
  • Holding or wearing grounding crystals such as Hematite, Smokey Quartz, or Black Tourmaline 

Center Your Energy

Our energy can easily expand out to fill a room or space, feeling into our environment which can leave us feeling disconnected or spacey.  In addition to my pillar, I sometimes like to take a quick small forceful inhale of breath as I visualize pulling my energy back into my field.  I also call my energy back into my field, at the same time I send the energy of others in my field back to them (clearing) and usually end with “I declare sovereignty over my energetic field”.  

Align Your Field

I always visualize this similar to when a picture on a TV or monitor screen goes static and you see a disconnected image.  Our energy bodies and chakras can be thrown out of alignment.  This one I always ask my guides to assist with, and channel light language to assist.

Clear Your Field

Clearing your field every day is incredibly important.  You may need to clear your field due to your own lower dense energy coming to the surface to be released or due to outside/invasive energies.  It’s important not to worry or be fearful of outside invasive energies, as that can attract them and block your ability to release them (remember lower frequency thoughts attract lower frequency energy).  Trust that there is light and dark in this world, or positive and negative charges, and it is a part of every soul’s journey to decide what experience they wish to have and to learn to work with the energy to have them.

A fantastic tool for doing a general clearing is to invoke the violet flame to fill your field, and/or asking St. Germain and the Violet Flame angels to assist with clearing your field.  I also love to have baths to assist with clearing my field, and running a Selenite crystal through my auric field.

Here is a checklist to work with your guides to clear all invasive energies from your field:

  • Do a general push-out
  • Scan for negative portals and seal them
  • Scan for psychic attack and deflect
  • Scan for negative pillar connections and push-off
  • Scan for negative cords, cut them and seal up (ask Divine Mother or Archangel Michael to assist) 
  • Scan for negative entities and ask for relocation (ask Ashtar Command & Galactic Federation to assist)
  • Scan for implants and ask for removal (call on Ashtar Command & Galactic Federation)
  • Scan for programs and have them removed
  • Scan your Chakras, Aura and Energy bodies for debris and cleanse
  • Spin love and light technology through you multidimensional light portals (ask your support teams to assist)
  • Scan for daggers, hooks, curses and remove
  • Scan for plug-ins and remove
  • Scan for hidden negative energy and remove and cleanse
  • Scan for 3rd party influence and remove/deflect/frequency disrupt

Some days I will feel called to do a general push-out, others to remove something specific and others to do a major clearing.  Trust your guides/intuition.  And by the way, a Psychic attack does not mean a witch is sending you bad vibes, but your best friend might be thinking a negative thought as you were too busy to see her and that energy hit your field.  All thoughts are energy, so watch your own as well!

Protect Your Field

And lastly, you will have much less to clear from your field if you regularly protect your field from outside energies.  As always, I love starting with my pillar as a basic form of protection and add some of the following depending on the environment I am in and what feels right:

  • Place a light/medium/heavy seal on Empathic center
  • Place a light/medium/heavy seal on Telepathic center
  • Place a light/medium/heavy seal on Clair Senses
  • Place a light/medium/heavy seal on Multi-dimensional light portals
  • Achor temples of protection and other relevant chambers or temples
  • Ask for a colored shield – such as rainbow, golden, or platinum shield (I love platinum as it reflects the energy of others back to them)
  • Invoke energetic flames – such as a silver flame of invisibility
  • Use sacred Merkabas and Shapes including spheres
  • Call in your support teams – such as asking your Ascension Council to stand around you and protect your field
  • Energy fields, discs and tubes – such as a Solar Disk which not only protects but also clears your field

There are many different courses available in the spiritual community on this and other free resources in addition to working with your own guides and intuitively what feels right to you.  Try not to get overwhelmed and start with your Pillar and add on from there.  There is no right or wrong way to do any of this, as it is your own intention that moves the energy.  The best thing you can do for yourself on this wonderful and incredibly challenging journey is to start intentionally managing your energetic field every single day.

Many deep blessings on your journey 💖 Jodie


  1. Lorraine says:

    Thank you so much for this! I feel some what overwhelmed by this information, but realize time while help. 🙏🏻❤️

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