Pranic Nourishment – Dietary Changes on the Ascension Path

As I sit down to write this article, I can’t help but reflect on my own journey with food and how much my eating habits and my physical body has changed since I started my journey. Food was always a coping mechanism for me, and a great source of pleasure. And many, many times over the years with my struggle with a chronic digestive disorder have I proclaimed “If I can’t eat french fries then life is not worth living!” I have shoved down many emotions over the years with food and during the ascension process have even self-sabotaged my progress with food. We all have very very strong ties, bonds and addictions to food.

This was reflected back to me at the start of my journey with the Channeller I followed right after I had my awakening. She had about 100 devoted followers at the time, and was organizing group fasting. One sub-group even fasted for 30 days! How was this even possible!? I couldn’t help but learn more and dove into Pranic Nourishment and Breatharianism.

According to Wikipedia, Breatharianism is:

Inedia (Latin for ‘fasting’) or breatharianism (/brɛˈθɛəriənɪzəm/) is the claimed ability for a person to live without consuming food, and in some cases water.

And then goes on to say:

It is a deadly pseudoscience and several adherents of these practices have died from starvation or dehydration.

While this of course is a 3D opinion based on fear, a word of caution: Your MENTAL, EMOTIONAL, and SPIRITUAL ENERGY BODIES need to be ready to claim and utilize this energy for your physical body. You cannot go from eating and drinking to sustain your physical body to living off Prana/Chi/Universal Life Force energy without any preparation. Personally I have never fasted for more than one day at a time, and have never gone without drinking water. But I did meet someone who lived over 10 years without consuming any food or drink (he has died since however).

We are all Souls having a unique experience, and your own body will have its own requirements for food and drink. Generally most of us can expect eventually to only need to eat one meal per day. Currently society at large is consuming more food than the body needs. You may one day consume no food or drink, or you may still eat once a day for enjoyment and nourishment.

Your level of pranic nourishment will depend on where you are at in your journey. It is possible to be 100% sustained by Prana. I am currently at 83%, which means only 17% of my body’s energy requirement comes from food. To me that equates to eating one meal, once a day around 3 p.m. I am also now vegetarian.

This has been a gradual change, one where I have stayed in tune with what my body wants every step of the way. Here are some tips based on what I have learned:

  • ALWAYS strive to listen to your body. Do what feels right to you, not what someone else is doing! Ask your body yes/no questions through muscle testing if you don’t yet have a clear connection to your guides is a great way to do this.
  • Start by cutting out snacks, and then one meal, etc. OVER TIME. I highly recommend Intermittent Fasting and there are a lot of resources online about this.
  • Watch your emotions as you start to cut out food, are you actually hungry? Or are you eating out of habit, or to not feel something? Observe and sit with your emotions until they pass.
  • Don’t beat yourself up for eating, or eating something you know your body doesn’t like. Again observe the behavior and ask your guides for assistance/healing.
  • Don’t force it! Your behaviors around food will naturally fall away over time. It wasn’t a conscious decision for me to stop eating meat, I just stopped enjoying it and was observing how my body didn’t like it. I also observed how it preferred to eat around 3 p.m., so the lower frequency food being digested didn’t block my ability to channel and read energy during the day.
  • Natural supplements can be very helpful as you change your diet, as it can be hard to get all the nutrients your body needs. Mushrooms – like Chaga, Reishi, and Cordyceps – have wonderful healing properties and can help to ensure you are getting necessary vitamins and minerals and can even help to open your 3rd eye!
  • Not all cravings are bad. Your body will tell you what it needs (right now my body can’t get enough pickled asparagus for example).

We are all energetic beings, vibrating at a certain frequency. As we progress on our ascension paths, we become higher (lighter) beings and as such lower density foods become less tolerable and can slow us down. Food has its own frequency, and we are putting that frequency into our bodies. I recommend you observe what you are eating as follows:

Higher frequency foods:

  • Organic
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Cacao

Lower frequency foods:

  • Processed foods
  • Meat and animal products
  • Sugar
  • Alcohol

Your digestive system has its own neural pathways, I refer to it as your “Gut Brain”. Your Gut Brain is responsible for integration and so a balanced, healthy approach to food is a key component to healing and your ascension process. As you progress pranic energy becomes more and more relevant and your body relies on not just food but also pranic nourishment. As you heal and release emotions, it is also normal to lose weight as fat cells store emotions we have not yet processed/released.

I could go on, and on, and on about this subject…but hopefully I have succeeded in giving you “some food for thought”…and yes sorry the pun was intended.

Many deep blessings on your journey, 💖 Jodie 

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