Nothing is Created Alone – Sending Love and Gratitude

Publishing my website has been a labor of love, but a labor nonetheless!  One I never could have done so well without a lot of help.  Which has caused me to reflect on what it has taken to create my business – my vehicle for how I share my healing gifts with the world.  To that end, I wish to send so much love and gratitude to the following people who have helped me to hone my gifts as a channeler and helped my business get to where I am today:

THANK YOU to the powerful healers and channelers who have helped me to open my own gift of channeling and heal on this journey:

  • Opheana & Sikaal, for teaching me how to manage energy, channeling my spirit guides and many powerful healing meditations.
  • Carolyn, for your daily GodCode messages aimed at the 144,000.  Every day they have helped me and been so spot on with my journey.

THANK YOU to the powerful energy healers and friends who traded numerous sessions with me:

  • Maryse, my “Egypt guide”.  Without you I wouldn’t have had the courage to live in Egypt and face my own shadow, not to mention the numerous healing sessions you’ve channeled for me.

THANK YOU to those I have hired to assist with my business and content creation, and never complaining about my very specific requirements:

  • Artemis, for helping me to update my Patreon library by relistening to over 50 past group healings and for helping to create YouTube Shorts from my group healings…not to mention being a loyal client and group member since the beginning.

THANK YOU to the technology and platforms that have allowed me to share my gift with people all over the world, and allowed me to live in the energies most beneficial for my own healing – including my main platforms YouTube and Patreon. 💫

THANK YOU to my wonderful clients and YouTube followers for seeing me even though I wasn’t fully ready to be seen…and my Mom, Lorraine, for always being there first for every single group healing I’ve done.  All of you have helped me to believe in myself and keep going, you are truly my angels. 🪽

To my family, friends, past loves, body workers, other content creators and animals (whether you are still a part of my journey or not) THANK YOU for sharing your gifts with me, believing in me, and standing by me when the going was rough.  I have learned and healed so much from having you in my life and I am so grateful for each and everyone of you. 💞

To my Spirit Guides, my business Spirit Guides, Mother Gaia and all aspects of Source energy that have been a part of my journey including those I haven’t remembered yet but have been helping me behind the scenes  – I am constantly in awe of your love, guidance and support.  I know you are always with me helping me to fulfill my Divine Mission.  THANK YOU. 🦄

And last, but certainly not least thank you to myself.  Not only my higher self, but also my ego/personality self and all aspects of my consciousness and physical body.  This journey has required such courage and dedication, well done and THANK YOU. 💘 

I can’t wait to see what each of us creates together next!

💌 Love, Jodie


  1. Lorraine says:

    It certainly has been an interesting journey so far! I am so proud of you! Thank you for the help that you have extended to me in my journey! Looking forward to seeing where you are headed in the future and plan on being there to see where it takes you! Love you so much 🥰🙏🏻🪷💖

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